
Emotional Resolution

…a gentle approach to resolve emotional patterns!



EmRes techniques apply the latest neuroscientific understandings on how our brain construct emotions. Several protocols were designed by the Emotional Health Institute to naturally release disruptive emotional patterns and long-lasting trauma.

EmRes’ gentle techniques facilitate the natural untangling and consequential resolving of those locked away emotions in awareness. 

There is no need, at any given time, to revisit and relive an original traumatic experience. The aim is still the resolution of the emotional pain from its source, however, EmRes rather looks at where and how these unresolved, disruptive, emotional patterns are showing up in your life today! 


What is EmRes®?

E-motions….we all have them and as we know, they have very specific and useful functions, they are an intrinsic part of our being alive. Beautiful when they make us feel good, however, when these energies in motion cannot flow and transform, but rather get stuck, due to high-stress experiences throughout our lives, which the brain decides to store “safely” away in our bodies, then they might become a real issue, manifesting themselves as dysfunctional and negative pattern, the so-called “ghosts of the past”. Our bodies have an innate biological capacity for self-emotional resolution if we only allow them to go through this natural process…without interference! When the “ghosts of the past” show up, they are showing us that there are some unresolved, painful emotions or traumas, some unhealed wounds, which keep on festering under the plasters we and life have placed over them. 

We go through life learning to cope with situations and people. This coping, however, can lead to feeling tired of reacting and experiencing the burden of negative emotional patterns when triggered, like overwhelming and debilitating fear, anger, worry, sadness, jealousy, anxiety…to name a few! Often, we feel confused, as to what just happened? Where did this come from? How can I feel so out of control? We just cannot make sense of it. “In those moments we are actually responding to an accumulation of past pain, our reactions are out of proportion to what is happening in the moment when someone for example criticizes us or disapproves of us, we get thrown back in time as if we were a child who is powerless, …. and it feels as if we have no access to our adult understanding” (Tara Brach, PhD).


How can EmRes® help?

Every emotion that was ever felt in our life has a specific viscero-somatic (that’s fancy for physical sensation) imprint. This emotion-imprint link, if not resolved through the natural innate process (like animals do when they are grazing and suddenly, they need to respond to danger, a predator…after they are done fighting, the animals shake off their excess energy of that experience and simply go back grazing), will find a home in our cells, tissues, and other body parts.

EmRes’ gentle techniques facilitate the natural untangling and consequential resolving of those locked away emotions in awareness. There is no need, at any given time, to revisit and relive an original traumatic experience. The aim is still the resolution of the emotional pain from its source, however, EmRes rather looks at where and how these unresolved, disruptive, emotional patterns are showing up in your life today, because they do!!


What does an EmRes® session look like?

EmRes sessions can be facilitated in person, over the phone or online. Sitting comfortably, both, the practitioner, and the client, discuss what the client wishes to explore together, be it a recurrent negative emotion, a thought or a dream, an unwanted behavior or even an ongoing physical challenge. Sessions are tailormade, there is not one set fit for all. 

Imagine having a friendly, respectful conversation in which to explore some of your unwanted negative emotional patterns in a safe and non-judgmental space and manner.


After an EmRes® session

Shifts and changes will occur, some more evident than others, but they will occur. When old stories and triggers make their appearance and we start noticing them more mindfully, rather than getting lost in them, we will start to feel a genuine sense of inner freedom: instead of being trapped in and defined by our experiences, we can recognize them and release them. We will, of course, still feel emotions, after all we are also emotional beings, but, the gripping fear, for example, that once had the better of you and hijacked your peace and equilibrium, will not have the same hold over you as before. 

By releasing the “ghosts of the past” we simply have a greater chance to be living a life in awareness and in the NOW! Feeling less overwhelm, less self-judgement, less shame!


Here is a short video on how EmRes® works


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Email to book your EmRes® session


San Baio