
…where quantum physics meets ancient wisdom!

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The BodyTalk HealthCare System… a non-invasive East/West approach for Health & Emotional Transformation, Personal Growth, and Prevention. 

We work to improve the efficiency of the internal body & nervous systems for a better state of health on all levels.  A multitude of health and emotional concerns can be addressed in sessions and any ailment or illness can benefit. 

Because the BodyTalk System allows the body’s healing abilities to effect change, clients see long-lasting, ongoing improvements in health, rather than short-term symptomatic relief.

We address factors behind symptoms from different perspectives to decrease stress and improve your health & quality of life.


What is BodyTalk?

BodyTalk is a very simple and effective holistic therapy that allows the body's energy systems to be re-synchronised, helping to restore its ability to heal and fix itself. Your body is designed to heal itself. When all the parts and systems of the body communicate with each other, healing happens naturally. Through stress or illness, these lines of communication start to break down, leading to a decline in our physical, emotional, spiritual overall wellbeing.

BodyTalk accomplishes this by integrating the techniques and findings of many systems including, modern medical expertise, Acupuncture, Psychology, Applied Kinesiology, Ayurvedic medicine, Osteopathy and Chiropractic.

BodyTalk appeals to all people as it is non-invasive; no harsh therapies, supplements, elimination diets or hormonal therapy are used by Certified BodyTalk Practitioners.

BodyTalk is routinely integrated with all systems of health and preventive care or used as a stand-alone system that addresses all aspects of health; physical, mental, environmental, emotional, hereditary, and spiritual.

The BodyTalk System is safe and the speed of its results attest to its effectiveness.


What does BodyTalk address?

In BodyTalk we tend not to talk about addressing specific diseases.  Instead, the Body Talk philosophy is that every person has a unique balance that needs to be addressed.  The ideal goal is to find the best, most dynamic point of balance within our bodymind complex such that we are easily able to respond to the issues life throws at us with ease and grace.

While BodyTalk does not diagnose or treat specific ailments, clinical experience has shown that once their overall systems are balanced through BodyTalk, clients have exhibited significant improvement in the areas of:
Addictions, ADHD, Allergies, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Back Pain, Bacteria & Pathogens, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain, Circulation, Depression, Digestive Disorders, Eczema,Emotional Disorders, Endocrine Disorders, Enthusiasm, Fears & Phobias, Fibromyalgia, Food Intolerances, Headaches/Migraines, Infertility, Insomnia, Learning Disorders, Lymphatic Circulation, ME, Mental Clarity, Pain Refiel, Post Surgical Care, pre Surgical Care, Recovery After Injuries, Relaxation, Self Confidence, Sports Performance, Stress, Sugar Metabolism, Trauma, Viruses & Infections.

Professionals in all areas of healthcare are finding virtually every case responds positively to The BodyTalk System sessions.

The BodyTalk System as a holistic and comprehensive approach to health and healing.  Allied and complementary health care should not be considered a substitute for professional medical care when necessary.

So, if you have been suffering from a chronic or recurring illness that you just can't shift or feel worn out and in need of a health MOT, then why not try a session?


What to expect?

BodyTalk therapy sessions are gentle, informative, non-invasive and highly relaxingBodyTalk is completely safe, making it suitable for everyone, including children, babies and pregnant women. Each BodyTalk holistic treatment is unique, tailored just for you and usually lasts 40-60 minutes.

At the beginning of the BodyTalk session you and the practitioner will go through your intake form and have a short discussion as to why you are having a BodyTalk session.Then, you will relax on a treatment table while the practitioner, positioned at your side, will gently use your arm in such a manner to establish Yes/No communication. This Yes/No communication is also called neuromuscular biofeedback, which is similar to applied kinesiology. By understanding that your body has an inherent knowledge of itself, the BodyTalk Practitioner is able to quickly and easily ask your body what communication circuits have become compromised and in which order these lines of communication need to be re-established for the fastest possible healing process to occur. For every malfunctioning energy circuit or formula found, you or your practitioner may hold the corresponding "points" with your hands, in order to help provide focus. You may also breathe deeply, as this helps your brain scan the body to locate the imbalances. The practitioner then lightly taps you on the top of the head, which stimulates your brain and causes it to initiate corrections to the broken circuits. This is similar to how the CPU of a computer runs the programs and makes all the calculations.

Your Practitioner then taps you on the sternum to "save"  the corrected energy circuits in the heart center and to share this information with every single cell in the body. The heart is responsible for communicating the state of the body's health to the rest of the body through the 

heart beat. This means that your body will remember these changes after the session, just like hitting the save button on a document will save changes to the computer hard drive so you can access them again later. Because your body stores the changes made by the brain during the tapping process, this means that every formula or circuit that is corrected build on the one before.

The bodymind knows just how many changes and corrections it is ready to initiate in any given session, and will therefore indicate when the session is complete and may even establish a time when you may need to return for a follow-up session. This includes further BodyTalk treatments as well as if there are any other health care professionals, such as your GP, that needs to be consulted.


Where did BodyTalk originate?

In 1995, Dr. John Veltheim introduced BodyTalk, a revolutionary healthcare system that uses state-of-the-art energy medicine to optimize the body’s internal communications and allow it to more effectively respond to injury and illness. Since then, the BodyTalk System has been taught to more than a thousand practitioners around the world.

Veltheim, an Australian, once ran a busy clinic for Chinese medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic and naturopathy. He became exhausted, got ill and couldn’t recover. The long search for a cure led him to experiment with blending these and other alternative therapies, creating “acupuncture without needles”.

The breakthrough in BodyTalk was achieved in 1995 when Veltheim discovered that we can tap into the body’s energy circuits by using simple muscle testing to discover areas of sluggish communication. Tapping on the head then tells the brain to “fix” the faulty circuit, followed by tapping on the heart to “store” the fix, just like a computer downloading a programme.

Until today there are over 200 BodyTalk instructors teaching in over 50 countries with translation of training materials into 10 languages, and there are over 1,300 Certified BodyTalk Practitioner helping people in over 40 countries around the world. BodyTalk is used by people in countries across the globe and from all walks of life, from professional athletes looking for a competitive edge to poor communities desperately in need of affordable healthcare.

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